optional, but recommended
The questions below are not part of the registration form, and only an optional questionaire so that we can better work with you to collaborate on the best solution for your organization. Please take the time to briefly fill out this questionnaire to better allow us to understand your specific business needs. This is by no means a mandatory step, but it will aid us in providing relevant and effective suggestions and solutions in the future. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions about our questions! We care most about the last question, but the first ten are key to getting to the last.
How many employees/end learners are you planning to train now? How many employees/end learners are you planning to train in the next year? In how many locations/sites (approximately) do you plan to do training in the next year? How many trainers/facilitators will be conducting the training this next year? How many locations total are there for your organization? How many full time employees are there in your organization? How many trainers/facilitators will be conducting training in the next three years? How many locations do you wish to train in the three years? How many employees/end learners do you wish to train in the next three years? Briefly describe what delivery method you are using now and its effectiveness to date: Submit